Hey, all, We have re-scheduled the ULDB Regatta distance race for this coming Saturday, 9/19. Note that this is only for the race, and NOT the picnic! The Up the Lake, Down and Back, is the Club’s premiere regatta event, drawing together the Racing and Cruising Fleets for a large race from the marina point […]

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Sad news

It is with great sadness that I must inform the Club that long time member Dianne Paxton passed away this morning. Dianne was significant and important member of the Club. In her role as Membership Secretary, she did more advocating for the Club, and more to recruit members, than anyone else I know. Those of us […]

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We do not have any racing or cruising events scheduled this weekend. We should have sunny skies Saturday and Sunday, with low humidity from high pressure. Temperatures are expected to be around 91º Saturday and hotter on Sunday. Wind forecasts show no wind on Saturday, and nice steady SW winds up to 10 knots building […]

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Fleet Council has decided to begin Club events, with strict adherence to our COVID-19 Response Plan (attached, again.) All event participants must adhere to this plan, observing proper distances from others, and wearing masks. We now know that the primary infection vector is breathing moisture droplets exhaled by other infected people, and that distancing and […]

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All, there are reports that the Governor’s office plans to put Montgomery and Bucks counties into green phase this coming Friday. NSC’s Fleet Council has been following these announcements closely, waiting for stay at home orders to be lifted, and for the Park to approve our racing permits. As of today, we are waiting for […]

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Please note that all Club activities are still suspended. This includes the Sunfish program. Due to a shutdown of the Park’s office, we don’t have our annual Sunfish agreement (we lease them from the Park) and in fact they are still locked up in storage inside a Park maintenance building. Fleet Council will have announcements […]

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Club Status

Hi, all. Fleet Council has continued to meet on a monthly basis to discuss Club activities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. We previously determined we should cancel Club activities at least until Pennsylvania changes our area from a Red Phase to Yellow Phase. In addition to guidance from the State, Fleet Council determined, based […]

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Hi, folks, there will be a lot of information in this post. Fleet Council met last night, and we continue to meet on a regular basis to discuss current events and impacts on the Club. We have more info regarding the Park’s plan to reopen the marina. At this time, the Park management feels people […]

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All- We have had confirmation from the Park’s management that the Park will be opening on May 8. As such, if you have a Summer dry storage spot which normally starts on May 1, you can not bring your boat in to the park until after May 8, probably the following weekend. There needs to […]

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A sad season so far…

Folks, don’t feel too bad. My weather guy says we’re going to have well below average temperatures and periods of rain almost every other day for the next several weeks. On top of the rest of our worries. We just received an update from Park management, with specific information how to remove your boat from […]

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