Nockamixon Sail Club is the Home of Sailors and Sailing at the beautiful 1450-acre lake within the Nockamixon State Park in Bucks County, PA. The Park has a Marina with docks for boats up to 24 ft and a dry storage area for boats on trailers. The Nockamixon Sail Club was established in 1974, shortly after the Lake was filled, to organize activities for sailing at the Lake. The Club serves both Racing and Cruising sailors with a full calendar of events from April to November each year. One-Design Racing Fleets include the Flying Scot, Impulse 21, and Thistle. One-Design Cruising Fleets include the Catalina 22, and Flying Scot.
Any type of sailboat is welcome to participate in both Racing and Cruising activities. Our Cruising sailors organize Fleets whose members all own boats from the same builder. These Fleets include Compac, Catalina, Hunter, O’Day, and Precision sailboats. Cruising events are designed to attract sailors of any skill level, and boats of all types, and include training seminars designed to help increase sailors knowledge of sailing and to increase their fun on the water.
Racing events include monthly “open” Invitational Regattas that welcome visiting sailors to join us in racing competition. Mixed fleets of boats from all of the major small sailboat manufacturers participate in our Racing activities under the umbrella of a Portsmouth Fleet and are scored using the US Sailing Portsmouth Handicap system. Our One-Design Racing Fleets schedule their own Fleet Racing Series, and arrange for District and Challenge events for their Class Organizations to be held periodically at Lake Nockamixon.
Social events take place after all sailing events and NSC welcomes anyone interested in sailing at the lake to join us at these events, and to learn more about the Club under the Club Tents which are set up alongside the rigging lot near to the Marina Launch Ramps (we do not have a Club House). The major NSC social events are a Spring “Warm-Up” function, a midsummer “ULDB” Fun Race with Picnic, and a Fall Awards Banquet which includes the Annual Meeting of the Club.
Membership in NSC is open to anyone interested in the Sport of Sailing at the Lake. Members pay Annual Dues to participate in all of the NSC Social and Cruising activities. Members pay higher Dues to participate in the full NSC Racing program.