Winter is coming. Er, wait, I think it’s over!

Well, everyone, I’ve seen daffodils and buds on trees, and things don’t seem to be frozen. We had a very successful Spring Warmup banquet, and both club boats are in the water. In fact, the chase boat has already towed at least one boat to its slip! I’d say it’s a fair bet that the season has started.


This weekend marks the beginning of Club lake activities, with launch weekend and phase 1 of our service project. All boat need to be out of winter storage by Monday, so Club members will be on hand this weekend to help if launch assistance is needed. Most casual messaging seems to be happening between Club member over on the Facebook group page, so if you haven’t joined yet, consider doing so. I know of two people in Lot 7 and Lot 8 who will need some help unstepping masts so they can take the boats away for service.


On Saturday, we will be inventorying the emergency stations on each dock, and also taking note of damaged or missing dock and slip numbers, so that the Park can have new ones made. Please meet Warren Mangan in the back of the rigging lot at 10:00 Saturday, and bring your dock’s door combo so we can inventory. If we don’t have a combo, we’ll inventory from the water in the chase boat.


Weather looks good on Saturday, with temps around 70º and partly cloudy. Sunday should be cooler with a chance of showers.


Hope to see you soon,


Commodore Brian

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