Weekend events for August 26 and 27 and 29.

This Saturday we have the annual Dianne Paxton Memorial Ladies Distance Race. Dianne was a die-hard member of the club, and did yeoman duty as our membership secretary. She made sure every sailor she met at the lake knew about the club, and gathered many new members into the fold. She loved sailing, and she loved her little Precision 18, and didn’t miss a chance to race in the Ladies Dam Race. We’ve changed the format to a distance race due to all the flukey winds possible getting to the dam. Note that all boats are welcome to this race, but ONLY women may skipper a boat. If she wants, she can have a man crew, but she must call the shots!
Note to our regular racers, we will be having a regatta makeup day on Saturday as well. So if you’re vying for the regatta series, please be aware.
As usual, skipper’s meeting will be at 10:00 on A-dock, with racing to follow out on the water at 11:00. There will be 2 separate starts for Ladies and for Regatta participants. Following up this Tuesday night after work, we will have another Sunfish night. This will be the last Sunfish night of the year, as we are losing daylight (boo!) so make sure you come out.
Commodore Brian

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