Weekend events for June 7 and 8

This weekend looks pretty good, folks. On Saturday we have a Regatta day. All boats are welcome to race, with a single mass start for races. Weather reports suggest a clear, sunny day on Saturday, with temps just over 80º. Winds are forecast at mainly E winds, somewhere around 8 knots and puffing higher. Sunday’s […]

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Club events June 1 and 2

Whoops, this short week got away from me, and I haven’t posted our events for the weekend! Sorry! This Saturday, we have fleet racing scheduled. Each fleet gets its own start. Also, Race Committee is looking for another person to help Bruce Idleman. Unfortunately, the weather doesn’t look too cooperative. The wind forecast for Saturday […]

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Memorial Day Weekend events

Hey, everyone, Summer unofficially starts this weekend! On Saturday we have our Coves Poker Challenge. For this event, participants sail to a set of coves on the lake, and then draw playing cards for each cove they sail to. Whoever has the best poker hand wins the event! Weather for Saturday looks pretty good, warm, […]

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ULDB Picnic volunteers needed

Hey, everyone. We do not have use of our usual tents for the ULDB picnic on June 29. We are considering renting tents. We also rent tables and chairs because we can’t co-opt and move all the picnic tables. Are there any members with truck/trailer who could pick up and drop off the items in […]

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Hi, everyone! This weekend we have 2 activities! First, we have Fleet Racing on Saturday. Each fleet gets a separate start. Later in the evening, we have our first Cruising event of the season, a Full Moon Raft-Up. Meet up in No-Name Cove just out past the marina at 6:00. Weather-wise, we’ve got some good […]

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Weekend activities for 5/4 and 5/5

Hey, all, the week has gotten away from me, so sorry this update is so late.   This weekend we have our first Regatta day on Saturday. Regattas are open to all boats (even “cruising” boats) and there is a single start for all boats, rather than separate starts for each class.   Weather is […]

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Hi, all-   This weekend we have more Frostbite Series racing on the schedule for Saturday. Weather looks nice with sunny conditions and temps in the mid-60’s, but the wind forecast looks strong and gusty, with averages around 16 knots and gusts up to 28 knots. Wind direction should be WNW, which will probably mean […]

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This weekend’s activities

Oh, wow, I just found out last night that Easter is this Sunday! I was also surprised to check the calendar and discover that the racing season begins this Saturday with our first Frostbite Series race. The weather looks a bit iffy this weekend, with possible thunderstorms on Friday night, and rain showers on Saturday […]

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Well, everyone, I’ve seen daffodils and buds on trees, and things don’t seem to be frozen. We had a very successful Spring Warmup banquet, and both club boats are in the water. In fact, the chase boat has already towed at least one boat to its slip! I’d say it’s a fair bet that the […]

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Slip applications now!

Hey, NSC members! I just heard from our Park Liaison Warren Mangan that as of Tuesday, there are 180 slips in the marina that have NOT been paid for. If you or a friend intends to renew, but you haven’t done so, you need to renew NOW. The Park will accept renewal applications from 8:00-4:00 […]

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