Hi, all, winter is winding down (hopefully,) which means a few things.
First, it’s membership renewal season, and you can take care of it online: http://nockamixonsailclub.org/content/NSC-2020-online-membership-applica…
Secondly, new Co-Vice Commodores Karen Keating Allen and Chelsea Strzempek have been hard at work on the Spring Warmup banquet. It will be held at Dublin Firehall at 6:00pm Saturday, March 14. Cost is $25 for adults, $15 kids 10-17, and kids under 9 are free. We’re going to have Raingutter Regattas for the kids, and interesting presentations for all. Oh, and yummy food, of course! Please RSVP online with payment processed by PayPal: http://nockamixonsailclub.org/content/2020-spring-warm-rsvp-form
Hope to see you there,
Commodore Brian