Weekend update for July 18 and 19

Looks like the Club is finally going forwards nicely! We’ve now run both a cruising event and a racing event which have observed proper COVID-19 procedures. I’d like to thank Fleet Council for putting in extra time this season with multiple extra virtual video meetings as we figured out how to keep our sailing season alive. Key to this were Virus Task Force members Judy Morrison, Phil Scheetz, Angela Rowland, and Stan Edelstein. Thank you for working so diligently on keeping the Club operating safely!

We have a busy weekend scheduled this weekend. On Saturday we have our first Invitational Regatta. Any boat can race, and all boats will start together without separate fleet starts. Membership has requested that this Regatta be attended by singlehand boats, so please bring out your Lasers, Force 5s, Sunfish, Optimists, whatever you have. Club Sunfish can be reserved online in advance for this event. Bring out your kids for the Sunfish racing! Racing starts at 11:00 with socially distant skipper’s meeting in the parking lot at 10:00. Please show up early for COVID-19 screening.

On Sunday, we have an afternoon raft-up scheduled at 1:00 in No-Name Cove. It’s also listed as a tech session, so if you have questions, bring them. We gave advice on proper rigging for an outhaul and reefing lines for a Precision-21 at the last raft-up. COVID-19 procedures are in effect for this event.

The weather looks good both days, with hot but dry temperatures in the mid-90s. So far, the humidity doesn’t look too bad. Forecasts suggest a SW flow, so hoping that winds will be good. Right now the forecast shows W winds on Saturday at 5-6 knots, and a bit stronger SW winds on Sunday up to 8-9 knots. It’s early for wind forecasts, so hopefully that SW flow fills in a bit more for Saturday’s racing.

Commodore Brian