Sorry this update is late in the week; my work-week got away from me.
This is it, folks, the last Club sailing event of the year (we still have Haulout Weekend coming up.) Saturday will be our final race event, a Frostbite Series. It’s also listed as a Regatta makeup day. I expect that there will be separate fleet starts, but depending on the number of boats, this could change to a single start? Rear Commodore of Racing Gary will probably have some input on this.
The weather forecast looks great for Saturday, with temperatures up well into the 70’s, and winds from the SW. Wind forecasts have us at 9 knots gusting to 17, which is not unusual for SW winds this time of year. Sunday should see increasing clouds as we anticpate the arrival of remnants of Hurrican Delta with rain overnight Sunday and Monday. Winds look very low and flakey for Sunday, so get your sailing in on Saturday.
Commodore Brian