Weekend events for October 5 and 6:

This weekend will be the final race day of the season, with our final Frostbite Series race of the year. All boats will have a single start. As usual, skipper’s meeting at 10:00 on A-dock, racing at 11:00. 

The weather is looking better (finally!) and we should see sunny skies this weekend with temps in the upper 70’s Saturday and a few degrees cooler Sunday. Winds are forecast to be strong out of the NW Saturday, at 10 knots with gusts to 20, and gusts diminishing through the day. Sunday’s wind forecast is much lighter at 4-6 knots, changing from NE to SW through the day.

We are getting ready for our formal Haulout Weekend on October 19-20. We usually do haulout one weekend before the last weekend of the season in case the weather is terrible. Recall that in the past 10 or 12 years, we’ve had at least 3 nor’easters blow through the last weekend of October. Boats need to be out of summer dry slips by October 15, and the last day of wet slips is October 30.

In celebration of Nockamixon Sail Club’s 50th anniversary, Fleet Council would like to make a commemorative book. Please contact Commodore Brian with any of your favorite photos through years. Please provide who, when, and what so we can caption them. Also, any remembrances of favorite things through the history would be appreciated. If someone would like to prepare a history of the club, that would also be very helpful. If you know older members who have drifted away, please contact them to provide materials. We anticipate having a copy of the book ready for the Fall Banquet, and that you’ll be able to order your own copy at that tine.

Commodore Brian

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