Minutes of the NSC Fleet Council Meeting held Monday, October 3, 2016:
In attendance were Colin Hannings, Paul Prozzillo, Tom Smith, Brian Scarborough, Craig Tourtellott, Glenn Wesley, Doug Swart, Laurine Valenti, Warren Mangan, Gary Bonner, Bill Pfanstiel, Marsha Cooper, and Brian Snader
In the absence of Secretary Robin Bonner, Marsha Cooper took minutes.
The meeting was called to order by Commodore Brian Scarborough at 7:10p.m. The April meeting minutes were approved as presented and Colin Hannings seconded.
Tom Smith provided a current YTD P&L and Balance Sheet having current comparative numbers to that of the prior year, as well as those to year end, December 2015. This enabled those present to discuss future expenses anticipated and conclude whether the Club could subsidize, and to what extent, the Fall Banquet. After some discussion to ‘give back’ to the membership, it was motioned by Glen Wesley and seconded by Craig Tourtellott that the Club treasury subsidize approximately $15 per member, costing the Club approximately $1200. $40 was expected from non-members, regardless of guests of those paying as an individual cruiser or racer membership, and $10 for children under the age of 12. It was noted that there were a few who did not agree with the extend of the subsidy, although outweighed during motion.
VC duals, Laurine and Marsha discussed the communications for the Fall Banquet for November 13th at the William Penn Inn. Also discussed, was a change of venue for the Warm Up with a date of March 18th. It was determined that all held good judgement in the hands of the VC’s, and to ‘carry on’.
Gary Bonner, RC of Racing reported that the most recent Invitational Regatta was moved to the following Saturday due to weather conditions.
RC of Cruising, Colin Hannings reported that haulout weekend would be 22nd and 23rd of October and welcomed all help and clarified usage of the power washers. Hoagie trays and coffee will be provided.
Membership Secretary, Robin Bonner was absent but having prior communication, confirmed that there were 136 paying members for 2016; 41 racers and 95 cruisers. 32 are new members, 5 deferred for the 2017 year and encouraged to participate in the Fall activities. Craig Tourtellott made note that a special thanks should be given to Mike Brown, for his promotion of the Club membership through his ASA program.
Craig Tourtellott, Communications Officer said that Ken VanCamp had articles and the Compass would be out within the next week.
Glen Wesley, Webmaster had no report of anything new for this time period.
Quarter Master, Brian Snader stated that boats were running well. There was a brief discussion that the engines should be lifted from the water when not in use to avoid algae growth on the support and committee boats.
There were no reports from the Fleet Captains.
Doug Swart conveyed his disappointment in the Club membership’s participation and raising of funds for the LLS event. It however, collected $2,331 more than that in 2014, raising a total $23,902 for LLS. He said he would not endeavor the project again, but the group complimented him in his extensive efforts and all felt it was indeed a success in fund raising as well as social picnic.
New Business: Audit was conducted earlier in the evening and books and records motioned to be accepted by Glenn Wesley and Bill Pfanstiel, both Officers of the Admiralty.
Discussion moved on to the need of officers. Membership Secretary is an extremely important positon, and must be filled now that Robin Bonner is stepping down. Admiralty positions will need to be replaced and all were encouraged to promote their fulfilled postions.
Meeting dates for the new year are tentatively scheduled for:
1/09, 2/06, 3/06, 4/03, 9/18, 10/02.
Having no new business, the meeting was motioned to adjourn by Brian Snader and seconded by Colin Hannings.
FC Meeting Oct.2016.docx | 15.96 KB |