Nockamixon Sail Club Meeting of January 9th 2017   

Official meeting Minutes by Paul Prozzillo

Attendees:  Brian Scarborough, Craig Tourtellet, Warren Mangen, Brian Snader, Collin Hannings, Lynn Detwiler, Marsha Cooper, Tom Smith, Greg Morrison, Gary Bonner, Glenn Wesley, Paul Prozzillo

1:  Review minutes of last meeting, None presented postponed for next meeting.

2: Treasures report, Tom Smith, 2016 final Profit / loss report shows a net profit of $620 with 90 cruising members and 42 racing members.  Questions about if we pay NJYR or US Sailing or both were asked and to be answered later.  

3: Vice Commodore, Marsha Cooper,  “Spring Warm Up” date announced as Mar 18th at the Dublin Fire hall, Deposit was paid and cost of $25 per person.  Request and permission to pay deposit to William Penn Inn for 2017 Fall banquet.  Cost and date TBD.

4: Rear Comm of Racing, Gary Bonner, Advanced Calendar was presented and permits have been requested.

5: Rear Comm of Cruising, Collin Hannings, Planning underway.

6: Membership Sec, TBD, Discussion of who can fill roll, Currently helped by Craig T, Dan R and Glenn W

Plans to introduce new members to Yahoo, Facebook and offer a print copy of the compass.

7: Comm Officer, Craig Tourtellet, Plan to update calendar with all fleets/dates,   Questioned why we stopped printing Compass, Answer was it was too much effort, digital = easy, Offer print on request.

8: Fleet Captains, Greg Morrison, Catalina, Nothing to report, Glenn Westley, Flying Scot, Nothing to report, Paul Prozzillo, Thistle, Winter Party Jan 21st, Thistle NJ/PA Districts Regatta June 10th, Request of help with event and a clear calendar. 

9: Quarter master, nothing to report,

10: Old Business, nothing to report.

11: New Business,  1:)  Step Outdoors Activity booth at Steel Stacks Bethlehem decided as a better fit for Nockamixon Sailing School with our help.  2:) Service Project for the NSP, Warren Mangen will work with Obie Deir to find a suitable NSC project.  3:)  Brian Scarborough offered information about Regatta Network sailing signup service, more information to follow.  4:) Craig Tourtellet offered the idea of giving sailing lessons from NSC, Insurance and lesson information to follow.

Fleet Council Meeting Mintues – January 9, 2017.pdf19.04 KB