Please do not use boats, unless you complete a FORM
All boats are to be returned and stored/ locked after use, no exception. Borrow a strap lock for dolly and trailers at your car. Leave nothing unattended or unsecured. Thanks
Nockamixon Sail Club Borrowed Boat Program Policy
The Nockamixon Sail Club (NSC) in 2012 assisted the State Park in obtaining six (6) lateen rig sailboats from a Girl Scout camp in central PA. The sailboats are stored at the marina in the park. NSC maintains the boats each year with volunteers and coordinates their usage during the sailing season – April through October. NSC has established a policy to help with this coordination.
The NSC sailboats are available at no charge on a first-come, first-sail basis to NSC members. During special events, the sailboats can be reserved. The ‘skipper’ of the sailboat should demonstrate proficiency with sailboat rigging; be proficient at sailing in a minimum of 5-knot winds, including upwind/downwind sailing and jibing / tacking; be able to approach a dock; and review and understand the correct sailboat-righting (self-rescue) technique.
Boats are accessible at the marina area and are stored on trailers. All sailboats are signed out and in using the Form (above) with the Sailing Director, a direct report to the NSC Quartermaster. The NSC member skipper is the ‘responsible party’ and accept the Assumption of Risk and Responsibility and Waiver of Rights Claims for Damages.
NSC members participating in the Borrowed Boat Program will contribute up to two (2) hours per year in work parties or sailboat repair work. NSC officers will arrange work parties and request “volunteers” as necessary.
With your help, the program should be a success and allow NSC members and their guest the ability to enjoy and promote our sport on an exciting small lateen rig sailboat.
Sunfish Map
Six Boats and Sails
NSC Sheds